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Our Services

A well kept garden is a thing of beauty, creating a space where you can relax and enjoy your free time.


Pruning & Shaping

Sensitive pruning, such as re-establishing the desired outline and selective thinning, to showcase the internal structure can give the tree a new lease of life. A little care can go a long way, transforming the tree into an attractive garden feature once again.



Shaping topiary is a real labour of love. Little and often is the way to maintain established topiary and so I recommend three to four visits a year to maintain the desired shape. Of course this is dependent on the species and your preference.


Hedge Trimming

Bringing the face of hedges back to vertical is the most common corrective work I undertake as it's easy for hedges to take on a ‘keystone’ profile where the top is wider than the base. Height reductions a close second most common correction required.


Tree Works

All types of tree works are undertaken, including removal.

From a mature oak to a purple plum every tree has its own characteristics. Taking into account your ideals, the tree’s needs and what is possible we will come to an agreement on the best course of action.


Fruit Trees

Carrying out maintenance pruning of fruit trees has long been considered a dark art. There are definitely right and wrong ways of doing this. If you stick to the rules an overgrown tree can be returned to a well-shaped fruit producing specimen. Little and often is the best course of action. However, a hard trim can also be managed with the correct after care.


Regular Maintenance

Most plants respond to being pruned on a semi-regular basis. A regular maintenance programme will mean your plants look their best all the time. A heavy prune often results in the plant sending out lots of new growth which can ultimately leave your plant looking worse than when you started. However this unnatural looking new growth can be corrected.


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